When an event occurs, NovoCard creates a message and decides where to send it by determining what object the user acted on. This object becomes the target for the message (a button, field, picture, portal, shape, card, background, or stack).

When NovoCard knows the message name (based on the event) and the destination of the message (the target object), it sends the message to the object. %/ $What is a script? $  % NovoScript is a superset of JavaScript® that you can use to write statements that respond to events, such as when the user taps a button.

Responding to an event is called handling the event. You must write a handler for each event that you want your stack to handle. A collection of handlers is called a script. @# q % In order for you to write your own scripts, the stack must not be read only.

Tap the Info menu and select Stack. Make sure that the Read Only switch is OFF. ("C $Make sure stack is editableu! [ NovoScript is an extension of JavaScript®. JavaScript is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.5 [ * Make sure stack is editable
What is a script?
What are messages?
Handling messages
The message-passing order
Message handlers
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ZCD##OtableZBACKGROUNDZBACKGROUNDCREATE TABLE ZBACKGROUND ( Z_PK INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Z_ENT INTEGER, Z_OPT INTEGER, ZCANTDELETE INTEGER, ZDONTSEARCH INTEGER, ZIDNUMBER INTEGER, ZMAXOBJECTID INTEGER, ZPATTERNINDEX INTEGER, ZSTACK INTEGER, ZALPHA FLOAT, ZCREATIONDATE TIMESTAMP, ZNAME VARCHAR, ZSCRIPT VARCHAR, ZCOLOR BLOB )RstableZBBOBJECTZBBOBJECTCREATE TABLE ZBBOBJECT ( Z_PK INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Z_ENT INTEGER, Z_OPT INTEGER, ZDONTSEARCH INTEGER, ZIDNUMBER INTEGER, ZLOCKLANDSCAPE INTEGER, ZLOCKPORTRAIT INTEGER, ZNUMBER INTEGER, ZPARTNUMBER INTEGER, ZPATTERNINDEX INTEGER, ZSHAREDTEXT INTEGER, ZSTYLE INTEGER, ZVISIBLE INTEGER, ZAUTOHILITE INTEGER, ZENABLED INTEGER, ZHILITE INTEGER, ZSHOWNAME INTEGER, ZTEXTALIGN INTEGER, ZBACKGROUND INTEGER, ZCARD INTEGER, ZICON INTEGER, ZLOCKTEXT INTEGER, ZPRIORDONTSEARCH INTEGER, ZSCROLLING INTEGER, ZSHOWLINES INTEGER, ZTEXTALIGN1 INTEGER, ZBACKGROUND1 INTEGER, ZCARD1 INTEGER, ZAUTOHILITE1 INTEGER, ZHILITE1 INTEGER, ZSHOWLANDSCAPE INTEGER, ZSHOWPORTRAIT 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AqII{{10, 10}, {1002, 643}}{{10, 10}, {746, 899}}bplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite_UISystemColorName_UIColorComponentCountV$class"?"?ZwhiteColorX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25: @;9 ? Adщ{{10, 10}, {1002, 643}}{{10, 10}, {746, 899}}bplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite_UISystemColorName_UIColorComponentCountV$class"?"?ZwhiteColorX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:DX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<@FOW_w~؈+@    ;9 Ab {{118, 70}, {780, 536}}{{81, 70}, {606, 788}}bplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite_UISystemColorName_UIColorComponentCountV$class"?"ZblackColorX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25: 1) { transition("pushFromLeft"); go(firstCard); } end touchUpbplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite_UISystemColorName_UIColorComponentCountV$class"?"ZblackColorX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:DX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<@FOW_w~؍V#B99U|Ad{{960, 657}, {52, 46}}{{704, 914}, {52, 44}}Homeon touchUp go("Home"); end touchUpbplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite_UISystemColorName_UIColorComponentCountV$class"?"ZblackColorX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:X {{40, 446}, {190, 44}}{{40, 484}, {190, 44}}Boingon touchUp beep("boing"); 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RAC7{{432, 630}, {160, 28}}{{304, 880}, {160, 28}}{0, 0}bplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite_UISystemColorName_UIColorComponentCountV$class""ZclearColorX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:_CyBÜ>}Z>,X0VyQ"(_PԹsRD _6STNG._,N5kv {̊?޽{RLm\ /e`5ʕ+π/;ܹsG豟! ^zzÇŋz8{&BBg8(fddD޾}dG.I&E:w,x(N;ac~*UxDС}׀A#>?ry@3{گ]ԯ_(y7;4͕M:vݝvNxdv ^Kx <١Cs.μg gm{')bFqH皶 sLh&=}ݻƚO3oӞ={)iH$y\tOX)2-C/?JۤbxN\vFG 2%;a{)g?tla ]}zx2~[lqA`4e @hi`w-L?4So 'vdB 6~2l=`2X!eOL+ !SɰH1Dw;IENDB`X$classesZ$classname]NSMutableDataVNSDataXNSObject]NSMutableData_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<@FKSZ    * AA<*A;; hAC>0{{432, 630}, {160, 28}}{{304, 880}, {160, 28}}{0, 0}bplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite_UISystemColorName_UIColorComponentCountV$class""ZclearColorX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:_CyBÜ>}Z>,X0VyQ"(_PԹsRD _6STNG._,N5kv {̊?޽{RLm\ /e`5ʕ+π/;ܹsG豟! ^zzÇŋz8{&BBg8(fddD޾}dG.I&E:w,x(N;ac~*UxDС}׀A#>?ry@3{گ]ԯ_(y7;4͕M:vݝvNxdv ^Kx <١Cs.μg gm{')bFqH皶 sLh&=}ݻƚO3oӞ={)iH$y\tOX)2-C/?JۤbxN\vFG 2%;a{)g?tla ]}zx2~[lqA`4e @hi`w-L?4So 'vdB 6~2l=`2X!eOL+ !SɰH1Dw;IENDB`X$classesZ$classname]NSMutableDataVNSDataXNSObject]NSMutableData_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<@FKSZ    * @@=+A;; 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go(nextCard); end touchUpbplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite_UISystemColorName_UIColorComponentCountV$class"?"ZblackColorX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:C77aFFFbF AdGi{{13, 657}, {52, 46}}{{10, 914}, {52, 44}}TOCon touchUp if (thisCard.number > 1) { transition("pushFromLeft"); go(firstCard); } end touchUpbplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName"?"A0ZblackColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz &1bplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName"?"?A1ZwhiteColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz &1bplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName"?"A0ZblackColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz &1bplist00%&T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null _UIFontPointSizeVNSSizeV$class\UIFontTraitsVNSNameZUIFontName\UISystemFont#@8#@8 ^Helvetica-Bold^Helvetica-Bold"$X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname !VUIFontXNSObject#VNSFontVUIFont_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<BHWipw &+'=bplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName"?"A0ZblackColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz &1 {_B@99 FFJAf[Я{{30, 68}, {962, 560}}{{30, 68}, {706, 816}}bplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName"?"A0ZblackColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz &1bplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName"?"?A1ZwhiteColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz &1bplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName""C0 0ZclearColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz  !&3?B77 FFJbzAeg{{20, 18}, {480, 44}}{{20, 18}, {480, 44}}bplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName"?"A0ZblackColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz &1bplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName"?"?A1ZwhiteColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz &1bplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName""C0 0ZclearColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz  !&3bplist00%&T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null _UIFontPointSizeVNSSizeV$class\UIFontTraitsVNSNameZUIFontName\UISystemFont#@:#@:^Helvetica-Bold^Helvetica-Bold"$X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname !VUIFontXNSObject#VNSFontVUIFont_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<BHWipw &+'=bplist00!"T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIWhiteWNSWhite_UIColorComponentCountV$class\NSColorSpaceWUIAlpha">DE0.192"? X$classes[$classhintsZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<@FS[c{#  dC@;9 FFF? Adщ{{10, 10}, {1002, 643}}{{10, 10}, {746, 899}}bplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName"?"?A1ZwhiteColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz &1bplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName"?"?A1ZwhiteColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz &1bplist00$%T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite\NSColorSpaceV$class_UIColorComponentCountWNSWhite_UISystemColorName"?"A0ZblackColor!#X$classes[$classhintsZ$classname WUIColorXNSObject"WNSColorWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<AGV^fsz &1 P  1>Ps/ A/Function handlersbplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite_UISystemColorName_UIColorComponentCountV$class""ZclearColorX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:[7k- --AnewPortalbplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite_UISystemColorName_UIColorComponentCountV$class""ZclearColorX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25: >>AօQonbplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite_UISystemColorName_UIColorComponentCountV$class""ZclearColorX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25: ' FAvGlossary.cardbplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WUIAlphaWUIWhite_UISystemColorName_UIColorComponentCountV$class""ZclearColorX$classesZ$classnameWUIColorXNSObjectWUIColor_NSKeyedArchiver(25:*iRZv~U)dQFښa999a&X;q%5,蜃U]]]-kD,3L;kff4zճ9uC)3;;+opԨ`QM 8O=uD`5z>8$F:33C1~:g1A؈dΏaٖVEjmww{’N ً ;::*k8xE < og!"1ivX5 o4F"Myy9#?L5ټ S ,x21ct,ۺo,];u&Aqޡ= 3zaij׳AR CeVhPollh;Y&LgX^x2ZC4{9(C~.)OINL7RLUO (9= $)|yIENDB`X$classesZ$classname]NSMutableDataVNSDataXNSObject]NSMutableData_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<@FKSZ*b % Asubscriptionbplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WNS.dataV$classOPNG  IHDR&.Dnk{IDATX Ř_QJKIJ(=KW])eSJR$(R,ROi_J)K$ʦاX%Dqv3w}9wΜ93}v{EP8u tX뗐_C/ke*n y\Mb 2cx^TkLfxQ\]'mieT*#&nlإʄBr*;-7qPBŒZGc,"hCV)7X8c!EKDqw۶) W|IedU0&)V!XM#ƒ?vMïkub)S$$졡,al-o<9k6cb\mjt/{{d8PC̔G3i("F,yHhcLC8kSY?`:cO{ Yϥ۟Y* 1@gߗV摽IK%,f-&xkN _y'E116,O'>C L+g 1[3qJ]fp^t}2}J'11qө wbKֲ^@Rz#A(" 1l]-mT63*e?~~`GIENDB`X$classesZ$classname]NSMutableDataVNSDataXNSObject]NSMutableData_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<@FKSZ"-1?FO]bt  | housebplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WNS.dataV$classOPNG  IHDR,,ZIDATX q0 C/Ktn,].ԡ:F+qDڒrw:H}Ya|gvg?eHSZ]SNȹ%k.KB90r9 X"0Ay ^K-4MsXh8輬zJ}Y^`PX kuV{`n@gk3aC5k^x fh xKX Z2@kM )9q`H!B Gi(kj́qc÷)5k",LAwƿfy(c#ု˜nt{ =naXnQw F=gAj OZasu_V/~C5GbMټV'-VHp 55.E4o fPoTv\pIENDB`X$classesZ$classname]NSMutableDataVNSDataXNSObject]NSMutableData_NSKeyedArchiver(25:<@FKSZDFKT_cqxS  listbplist00T$topX$objectsX$versionY$archiverTroot U$null WNS.dataV$classOPNG  IHDR(uIDATX A }]q(ɆxH$@| Wp+Z; 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When an event occurs, NovoCard creates a message and decides where to send it by determining what object the user acted on. This object becomes the target for the message (a button, field, picture, portal, shape, card, background, or stack).

When NovoCard knows the message name (based on the event) and the destination of the message (the target object), it sends the message to the object. %/ $What is a script? $  % NovoScript is a superset of JavaScript® that you can use to write statements that respond to events, such as when the user taps a button.

Responding to an event is called handling the event. You must write a handler for each event that you want your stack to handle. A collection of handlers is called a script. @# q % In order for you to write your own scripts, the stack must not be read only.

Tap the Info menu and select Stack. Make sure that the Read Only switch is OFF. ("C $Make sure stack is editableu! [ NovoScript is an extension of JavaScript®. JavaScript is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.5 [ * Make sure stack is editable
What is a script?
What are messages?
Handling messages
The message-passing order
Message handlers
Parameter variables
Function handlers
Referring to objects
/ NovoScript basics/ Table of Contents > ]>,- $Message handlers\+ ) % If an object receives a message for which it doesn't have a handler, NovoCard passes the message to other objects and searches their scripts for a handler that matches the current message. The order in which NovoCard passes a message to objects is called the message-passing order or the message-passing path.

NovoCard sends messages to a specific object (button, field, picture, portal, shape, or current card). If the object doesn't handle the message, it goes to the following objects, in order:

• the current card (if the card is not the target)
• the current background
• the current stack
• the stack script of the Home stack
• NovoCard itself &*? $The message-passing order) # % You write handlers in a script to respond to messages. When an object receives a message, the object's script is searched for a handler with the same name (a handler starts with the word on followed by the name of the message.) If a match is found, NovoCard runs the NovoScript statements in the handler until it hits an end statement (or a command that terminates the script).

For example, if you want a button to respond to a touchUp message, you would add a touchUp handler to its script.

on touchUp
end touchUp
 /3 $Parameter variablese. ; % A handler can receive values (called parameters) and use them as it runs. You represent each value with a parameter variable. A parameter variable always follows the handler name in a comma-separated list.

For example, when running the following touchUp handler, NovoCard calls displayMessage with two variables, "red" and "apple". It then binds these values to the parameter variables color and fruit in the displayMessage handler.

on touchUp
send("displayMessage 'red', 'apple'");
end touchUp

on displayMessage color, fruit
answer("I want a " + color + " " + fruit);
end displayMessage

You can use the variables color and fruit anywhere inside the handler. When NovoCard sees them, it uses the values currently bound to them. (The variables remain bound only while the handler runs.) ;- g % Each message handler has the following form:

The message name does not have to be one of the built-in system messages or commands. For example, if you want a new command called goNext that would go to the next card, you would write a handler like this:

on goNext
end goNext

NovoCard is not aware of the goNext command, so it will never be sent automatically in response to an event. But you can send goNext from the Message box or from other handlers. For example, the script of a button could contain the following handler for the system message touchUp:

on touchUp
end touchUp

If the script also contains the goNext handler (or if the script of any object later in the message-passing path contains it), the touchUp message will send the goNext message, and goNext will send the go message. Because go is a built-in command, NovoCard goes to the next card.  \ <  6+ System messagesK5  % NovoCard sends some commands automatically in response to events, just as it sends system messages. But unlike system messages, if the command passes all the way to NovoCard, NovoCard performs a built-in action. So if you trap the command, the action won't happen.

NovoCard sends help as a message when the user chooses Help from the Go menu. (4C $Commands sent automatically!25 $Referring to objects1/ $Function handlers!0 3 % When you write a handler for a function, you specify statements that compute and return a value to the handler that calls the function. Each function handler has the following form, where the italicized words are placeholders:

NovoCard has many built-in functions, but you can also write your own:

on touchUp
end touchUp

function square x
result(x * x);
end square

The function square receives a number through its parameter variable, x. It then returns the value of x * x to the handler that called it (touchUp) using the result command. 1 6>!  $closeField!= 3 %


on closeCard end closeCard

NovoCard sends the closeCard message to a card when a user (or script) goes to another card or deletes a card or background. < $closeCard; { %


on closeBackground end closeBackground

NovoCard sends the closeBackground message to the current card when a user (or handler) goes to a card whose background is different from the background of the current card and when a background is deleted. :+ $closeBackground.9O $Where messages are sent initially#89 $Message sending ordersL7   Commands sent automatically
Message sending orders
Where messages are sent initially

5 ? &  f N 8 !  u b M -  ` N 7 &z_J.gs Q$toolr P$editBkgndeq ; O editBkgnd
p) OApp propertieso) N$writeFile(...)n M$wait(...)m+ L$transition(...)l K$send(...)#k9 J$resumeWithMessage(...)j# I$result(...)i' H$readFile(...)h G$pass()g% F$openURL(...)f% E$newCard(...)e D$help()d C$go(...)c B$close()b A$beep(...)a# @$answer(...)` ?Commands_ y ? answer()
^ >$on] =$function\ <$end:[ e ; end
Z ;KeywordsY :$touchUpX 9$touchDownW 8$suspendV 7$startUpU- 6$rotateToPortraitT/ 5$rotateToLandscapeS 4$resumeR 3$quitQ 2$openStackP 1$openFieldO 0$openCardN) /$openBackgroundM .$newStackL -$newPortalK! ,$newPictureJ +$newFieldI *$newCardH )$newButtonG' ($newBackgroundF% '$deletePortalE' &$deletePictureD# %$deleteFieldC! $$deleteCardB% #$deleteButtonA- "$deleteBackground@! !$closeStack>? m  %


on closeField end closeField

NovoCard sends the closeField message to an unlocked field when, after editing, a user (or handler) performs an action that closes (removes the insertion point from) the field.

NovoCard sends closeField only when the text actually changes. du]C% aI+ |d  g$thisCard ) f$thisBackground e$stackName d$readOnly1 c$previousMarkedCard% b$previousCard1 a$previousBackground) `$nextMarkedCard _$nextCard) ^$nextBackground+ ]$markedCard(...)) \$lastMarkedCard~ [$lastCard}) Z$lastBackground|+ Y$firstMarkedCard{ X$firstCardz+ W$firstBackgroundy# V$cardID(...)x U$card(...)w/ T$backgroundID(...)v+ S$background(...))uE RStack properties & functionst / R background()
rN(qN%oH}X0)%C Card properties & functions%$; $background.shapeID(...)"#7 $background.shape(...)*"G ~$background.previousMarkedCard$!; }$background.previousCard% = |$background.portalID(...)#9 {$background.portal(...)&? z$background.pictureID(...)$; y$background.picture(...)/ x$background.number&? w$background.nextMarkedCard 3 v$background.nextCard+ u$background.name'A t$background.markedCard(...)&? s$background.lastMarkedCard 3 r$background.lastCard' q$background.id'A p$background.firstMarkedCard!5 o$background.firstCard$; n$background.fieldID(...)"7 m$background.field(...)#9 l$background.cardID(...)!5 k$background.card(...)%= j$background.buttonID(...)# 9 i$background.button(...). O hBackground properties & functions  h button()
 q N . \ ;  qS9<) $button.visible;' $button.number:# $button.name9 $button.id8' $button.hilite$79 $button.bottomLandscape6/ Button properties5   bottomLandscape
4/ $card.shapeID(...)3+ $card.shape(...) 21 $card.portalID(...)1- $card.portal(...)!03 $card.pictureID(...)// $card.picture(...).# $card.number- $card.name,# $card.marked+ $card.id*/ $card.fieldID(...))+ $card.field(...) (1 $card.buttonID(...)'- $card.button(...)j& C  button()
 ~ e F + iF+M+ $picture.visible"L5 $picture.showPortrait#K7 $picture.showLandscapeJ) $picture.numberI% $picture.nameH! $picture.id G1 Picture properties@F o  bottomLandscape
E' $field.visibleD+ $field.text(...) C1 $field.setText(...)B% $field.numberA! $field.name@) $field.lockText? $field.id*>E Field properties & functionsQ=   bottomLandscape
 k Q 1 rR9^' $shape.visible ]1 $shape.showPortrait!\3 $shape.showLandscape[% $shape.numberZ! $shape.nameY $shape.idX '  bottomLandscape
W- Shape propertiesV) $portal.visibleU- $portal.text(...)!T3 $portal.setText(...)S' $portal.numberR# $portal.nameQ+ $portal.lockTextP $portal.id+OG Portal properties & functionscN 5  bottomLandscape
cB!sX= qZ@}% Placeholders| $stack{ $shapez $scripty $portalx $picture w1 $parameter variablev $parameteru $objectt# $Message boxs $messager $handlerq $fieldp $evento! $card shapen# $card portalm% $card picturel! $card layerk! $card fieldj# $card buttoni $cardh $buttong- $background shapef/ $background portal e1 $background pictured- $background layerc- $background fieldb/ $background buttona! $background`/ Glossary of Terms:_ c  background
background button
background field
background layer
background picture
background portal
background shape
card button
card field
card layer
card picture
card portal
card shape
Message box
parameter variable
N,dM5oY>)Nx a "%


on deleteBackground end deleteBackground

NovoCard sends the deleteBackground message to the card that is being deleted if no other cards in the stack share its background. NovoCard sends the message just before the card disappears. & = !%


on closeStack end closeStack

NovoCard sends the closeStack message to the current card when a user (or script) closes the stack or opens a different stack. # $trueOrFalse $toolName $text! $statements $speed $sound $reply $property $position ! $posInteger  $portal  $picture ' $parameterList  $ordinal $object# $messageName% $functionName $field! $expression $effect $card $button! $backgroundP~   background
 v e ; (%


on newBackground end newBackground

NovoCard sends the newBackground message to the current card (in this case, the first card of the new background) just after NovoCard creates the background.

Although the new background will not have a script with which to respond to the message, any other object along the message-passing path can handle it.  % '%


on deletePortal end deletePortal

NovoCard sends the deletePortal message to a portal that is being deleted just before the portal disappears.  1 &%


on deletePicture end deletePicture

NovoCard sends the deletePicture message to a picture that is being deleted just before the picture disappears.   %%


on deleteField end deleteField

NovoCard sends the deleteField message to a field that is being deleted just before the field disappears.   $%


on deleteCard end deleteCard

NovoCard sends the deleteCard message to a card that is being deleted just before the card disappears.  % #%


on deleteButton end deleteButton

NovoCard sends the deleteButton message to a button that is being deleted just before the button disappears. # 7 % You can refer to objects from a script in several ways.

• An object's name is the value found in its Info dialog box. For example:


You should use quotation marks around an object's name so that NovoCard recognizes it literally and doesn't look for a variable by that name. NovoCard interprets card("10") as card named 10; it interprets card(10) as card number 10.

• An object's number represents its position among like objects within the object that contains it. Buttons, fields, pictures, portals, and shapes are ordered within a card or background. Cards and backgrounds are ordered within a stack.


Changing the order of a button, field, picture, portal, shape, card, or background changes its number.

• An object's ID is a unique number assigned by NovoCard. Object ID numbers never change. The Info dialog box for each object displays its ID. (Stacks don't have ID's.)


• You can refer to an object by using any of the following ordinals.

first, last

For example:


• You can refer to some objects by using any of the following positions.

next, previous, this

For example:


Me refers to the object that contains the currently executing handler. For example:

// In the script of a button:
me.hilite = true;

// In the script of a field:
me.text = "Hello, world.";
h&" = )%


on newButton end newButton

NovoCard sends the newButton message to a button just after NovoCard creates it.

Although the new button will not have a script with which to respond to the message, any other object along the message-passing path can handle it.
#! 7 % NovoCard automatically sends system messages (and one command) to one of six objects: a specific button, a specific field, a specific picture, a specific portal, a specific shape, or the current card. If none of these objects handles the message, it continues along the message-passing order until it reaches NovoCard itself.

Buttons: The following system messages are initially sent to a specific button: deleteButton, newButton, touchDown, touchUp.

Fields: The following system messages are initially sent to a specific field: closeField, deleteField, newField, openField, touchDown, touchUp.

The current card: The following system messages and command (in bold) are initially sent to the current card: closeBackground, closeCard, deleteBackground, deleteCard, help, newCard, newBackground, newStack, openBackground, openCard, openStack, quit, resume, startUp, suspend, touchDown, touchUp.   % For some events, NovoCard automatically sends a sequence of system messages. For example, when you close an existing stack by opening another one, NovoCard sends the following system messages in order: closeCard, closeBackground, closeStack, openStack, openBackground, openCard.

• When NovoCard first starts up, it sends the following messages in order: startUp, openStack, openBackground, openCard.

• When NovoCard resumes after being suspended, it sends the following message: resume.

• When NovoCard creates a new stack, it sends the following messages in order: [closeCard], [closeBackground], [closeStack], newStack, newBackground, newCard, openStack, openBackground, openCard. Messages in braces are sent only if a stack is open.

• When NovoCard creates a new background, it sends the following messages in order: closeCard, closeBackground, newBackground, newCard, openBackground, openCard.

• When NovoCard creates a new card, it sends the following messages in order: closeCard, newCard, openCard.

When NovoCard deletes a background, it sends the following messages in order: closeCard, closeBackground, deleteCard, deleteBackground.

• When NovoCard deletes a card, it sends the following messages in order: closeCard, [closeBackground], deleteCard, [deleteBackground], [openBackground], openCard. Messages in braces are sent only if the deleted card was the last card of a background.

> h>&& = -%


on newPortal end newPortal

NovoCard sends the newPortal message to a portal just after NovoCard creates it.

Although the new portal will not have a script with which to respond to the message, any other object along the message-passing path can handle it.
,% I ,%


on newPicture end newPicture

NovoCard sends the newPicture message to a picture just after NovoCard creates it.

Although the new picture will not have a script with which to respond to the message, any other object along the message-passing path can handle it.
$ 1 +%


on newField end newField

NovoCard sends the newField message to a field just after NovoCard creates it.

Although the new field will not have a script with which to respond to the message, any other object along the message-passing path can handle it.
@# q *%


on newCard end newCard

NovoCard sends the newCard message to the current card (in this case, the new one) just after NovoCard creates it.

Although the new card will not have a script with which to respond to the message, any other object along the message-passing path can handle it.
 , + 3%


on quit end quit

NovoCard sends the quit message to the current card just before iOS causes the NovoCard app to terminate.
G+  2%


on openStack end openStack

NovoCard sends the openStack message when a user (or handler) goes to a card in a stack different from that of the most recent card.
U*  1%


on openField end openField

NovoCard sends the openField message to an unlocked field when a user (or handler) first opens it for text editing. A user opens a field by tapping in the field.

Once opened for editing, a field no longer receives openField messages.
() A 0%


on openCard end openCard

NovoCard sends the openCard message to the current card just after a user (or handler) goes to the card.
( u /%


on openBackground end openBackground

NovoCard sends the openBackground message to the current card just after a user (or script) goes to a card whose background differs from the background of the most recent card.
`' 1 .%


on newStack end newStack

NovoCard sends the newStack message to the current card (in this case, the first card of the new stack) just after NovoCard creates the stack.

Although the new stack will not have a script with which to respond to the message, any other object along the message-passing path can handle it.
 c 2 / 9%


on touchDown end touchDown

NovoCard sends the touchDown message to a button, locked field, picture, locked portal, or shape when the user presses down inside the rectangle of the object.

NovoCard sends touchDown to the current card when the user presses outside the rectangle of button, locked field, picture, locked portal, or shape.
"1 5 8%


on suspend end suspend

NovoCard sends the suspend message to the current card just before the NovoCard app becomes inactive.
I0  7%


on startUp end startUp

NovoCard sends the startUp message to the first card displayed when the NovoCard app is first started (or restarted after being terminated).
A/ s 6%


on rotateToPortrait end resume

NovoCard sends the rotateToPortrait message to the current card when the device is rotated to portrait orientation.
E. { 5%


on rotateToLandscape end resume

NovoCard sends the rotateToLandscape message to the current card when the device is rotated to landscape orientation.
P-  4%


on resume end resume

NovoCard sends the resume message to the current card just after the NovoCard app becomes active (after a previous suspend).
 ec6 7 >%
The on keyword defines a new message handler of the specified name.

The optional parameterList lets the handler receive values sent along with a message. NovoCard assigns each value to a parameter variable in the parameterList. 5 { =%
The function keyword defines a new function handler of the specified name.

The optional parameterList lets a function handler receive values sent along with the function call. NovoCard assigns each value to a parameter variable in the parameterList. .4 M <%
The end keyword defines the end of a message handler of the specified name. \3 ) :%


on touchUp end touchUp

NovoCard sends the touchUp message to the current object when the user raises his finger and the finger is inside the rectangle of the same button, locked field, picture, locked portal, or shape that was initially pressed.

NovoCard sends touchUp to the current card when the user both presses and releases while the finger is not in the rectangle of an object.
F `F; + D%

The help command goes to the first card of the NovoCard Help stack.

NovoCard sends the help command to the current card when the user chooses Help from the Go menu. You can handle the help message as follows:

on help
end help
:  C%
go(text) // stack name

The go command takes the user to a card in the current stack or to the first card in another stack. If you name a background without specifying a card, NovoCard goes to the first card of the background. 9  B%

The close command closes the current stack. I8  A%
beep(); // flash the menu bar

The beep command causes your iPad to play a beep sound. If a sound is not specified, beep will flash the menu bar. See sound for a list of built-in sounds. 7 ) @%
answer(text, reply1);
answer(text, reply1, reply2);
answer(text, reply1, reply2, reply3);

The answer command displays a question (text) in a dialog box. The dialog box contains from one to three buttons, each representing a different reply the user can select. If you use answer without specifying any replies, NovoCard displays an OK button.

Use the resumeWithMessage command before answer to designate a message to be sent when the user selects a reply. The reply will be returned as the message argument.

Note: Script execution will stop when answer is executed.  J?@ o I%

The result command ends execution of a handler and, in function handlers, returns the value of expression to the handler that called the function.

If result appears in a message handler (as opposed to a function handler), it ends execution of the handler.

Note: Script execution will stop when result is executed. O?  H%
var contents = readFile(text); // filename

The readFile command returns data from a .txt file. If the filename extension is not specified, it is assumed to be 'txt'.

The file must exist in the app's Documents directory. Files may be transferred to the Documents directory via iTunes File Sharing or Dropbox. a> 3 G%

The pass command ends execution of the current handler and sends the entire message that initiated execution of the handler to the next object in the message-passing order.

(Ordinarily, once a message is handled, it does not continue along the message-passing order.)

In general, a stack should pass any system messages that it handles so that other stacks later in the message passing order get a chance to handle the message.

For example, a resume handler in your Home stack won't ever run if you also have a resume handler without a pass statement in a stack before Home in the message-passing path. ^= - F%
openURL(text); //URL

The openURL command opens a URL in the proper application. k< G E%
newCard(text); // card name

The newCard command creates a new card in the current stack. It is equivalent to selecting New Card in the Edit menu. If you specify a name, it will be assigned to the card.  /E'A ? J%
resumeWithMessage(text); // messageName
resumeWithMessage(text, argument);

The resumeWithMessage command is used to optionally specify the name of the message to be sent when an answer or ask command is replied to or when a wait command expires. You should execute resumeWithMessage just before answer, ask, or wait.

If you include the argument, it will be sent as an argument to the message handler. The argument can be a number, string, or object. If argument is not specified, the handler's argument will be the user's reply to the answer or ask command, if applicable. fC = L%
transition(effect, speed);
transition(); // clears previously set transition

The transition command specifies a visual effect for NovoCard to use as it moves from one card to another. (Tap the placeholders effect and speed to see their possible replacements.) Transition must be followed by a go command to have any effect.

The optional speed parameter tells NovoCard to perform the transition faster or slower than normal.

NovoCard uses the transition effect plain as the default effect. MB  K%
send(text); // message

The send command sends a message to the object that contains the currently executing handler.

NovoCard evaluates any parameters before it sends the message, even though the entire message may be in quotation marks.

If the object doesn't handle the message, the message continues along the message-passing path from that point.

You can use send to send a message from the Message box.  LKaTJ  U%
card(text) // name
card(posInteger) // number

The card function returns a card from the current stack by its name or number. I y T%
backgroundID(posInteger) // id

The backgroundID function returns a background from the current stack by its ID. fH = S%
background(text) // name
background(posInteger) // number

The background function returns a background from the current stack by its name or number. }G k Q%
app.tool = text; // "browse" or "edit"

The tool property sets the current tool mode. It corresponds to the Browse Mode and Edit Mode commands in the Tool menu.

The default setting is "browse". vF ] P%
app.editBkgnd = trueOrFalse;

The editBkgnd property sets the layer where new objects (buttons, fields, etc.) will appear—in the card layer or in the background layer. It corresponds to the Background command in the Edit menu.

The default setting is false, meaning that new objects will appear on the card layer. ;E g N%
writeFile(text, text); // filename, contents

The writeFile command copies text to a .txt file. The file will appear along with the stack files in the Stacks menu, (i.e., in the app's Documents directory). The file may be transferred to a Mac or PC via iTunes File Sharing.

Warning: NovoCard does not ask if you want to write over an existing file. wD _ M%

The wait command causes NovoCard to pause for up to 5 seconds.

Use the resumeWithMessage command before wait to designate a message to be sent when the wait time expires.

Note: Script execution will stop when wait is executed. ; I  HT;^V - a%

The previousBackground property returns the previous background in the current stack relative to the current card. 6U ] `%

The nextMarkedCard property returns the next marked card in the current stack. #T 7 _%

The nextCard property returns the next card in the current stack. RS  ^%

The nextBackground property returns the next background in the current stack relative to the current card. pR Q ]%

The markedCard function returns a marked card from the current stack by its ordinal number. For example, markedCard(3) returns the third marked card in the current stack. 6Q ] \%

The lastMarkedCard property returns the last marked card in the current stack. #P 7 [%

The lastCard property returns the last card in the current stack. 5O [ Z%

The lastBackground property returns the last background in the current stack. 9N c Y%

The firstMarkedCard property returns the first marked card in the current stack. &M = X%

The firstCard property returns the first card in the current stack. =L k W%

The firstBackground property returns the first background in the current stack. rK U V%
cardID(posInteger) // id

The cardID function returns a card from the current stack by its ID.  oZ!a_ 3 k%
background.card(text) // name
background.card(posInteger) // number

The card function returns a card of the specified background by its name or number. F^ } j%
background.buttonID(posInteger) // id

The buttonID function returns a button from the specified background by its ID. k] G i%
background.button(text) // name
background.button(posInteger) // number

The button function returns a button from the specified background by its name or number. \  g%

The thisCard property returns the current card. #[ 7 f%

The thisBackground property returns the current background. Z 1 e%

The stackName property returns the name of the current stack. DY y d%

The readOnly property returns the value of the "Read Only" switch, which can be set in the stack's Info dialog.

The user cannot make changes to a read only stack. However, executing scripts can still make changes. GX  c%

The previousMarkedCard property returns the previous marked card in the current stack. /W O b%

The previousCard property returns the previous card in the current stack. ;>  8;g y s%

The lastMarkedCard property returns the last marked card of the specified background. qf S r%

The lastCard property returns the last card of the specified background. Me  q%
The id property returns the permanent ID number of the specified background.

All objects except stacks have IDs. You can't change the ID number of an object. d  p%

The firstMarkedCard property returns the first marked card of the specified background. tc Y o%

The firstCard property returns the first card of the specified background. Cb w n%
background.fieldID(posInteger) // id

The fieldID function returns a field from the specified background by its ID. ga ? m%
background.field(text) // name
background.field(posInteger) // number

The field function returns a field from the specified background by its name or number. >` m l%
background.cardID(posInteger) // id

The cardID function returns a card of the specified background by its ID. U ~ "UIn  z%
background.pictureID(posInteger) // id

The pictureID function returns a picture from the specified background by its ID. om O y%
background.picture(text) // name
background.picture(posInteger) // number

The picture function returns a picture from the specified background by its name or number. hl A x%

The number property returns the number of the specified background. (You cannot set a number.)

The number of a background is the order in which the background appears in the stack. k y w%

The nextMarkedCard property returns the next marked card of the specified background. qj S v%

The nextCard property returns the next card of the specified background. i  u%
background.name = text; // set background name

The name property returns or sets the name of the specified background. fh = t%

The markedCard function returns a marked card from the specified background by its ordinal number. For example, firstBackground.markedCard(3) returns the third marked card of the first background in the current stack. t FG-t5v Y %
card.buttonID(posInteger) // id

The buttonID function returns a button from the specified card by its ID. Nu  %
card.button(text) // name
card.button(posInteger) // number

The button function returns a button from the specified card by its name or number. Dt w %
background.shapeID(posInteger) // id

The shapeID function returns a shape from the specified background by its ID. gs ? %
background.shape(text) // name
background.shape(posInteger) // number

The shape function returns a shape from the specified background by its name or number. r  ~%

The previousMarkedCard property returns the previous marked card of the specified background. }q k }%

The previousCard property returns the previous card of the specified background. Fp } |%
background.portalID(posInteger) // id

The portalID function returns a portal from the specified background by its ID. ko G {%
background.portal(text) // name
background.portal(posInteger) // number

The portal function returns a portal from the specified background by its name or number. L <^L8~ _ %
card.pictureID(posInteger) // id

The pictureID function returns a picture from the specified card by its ID. R}  %
card.picture(text) // name
card.picture(posInteger) // number

The picture function returns a picture from the specified card by its name or number. =| i %

The number property returns the number of the specified card. (You cannot set a number.)

The number of a card is the order of the card in the stack. q{ Q %
card.name = text; // set card name

The name property returns or sets the name of the specified card. $z 7 %
card.marked = trueOrFalse;

The marked property returns or sets the value of the "Marked" switch, which is displayed in the card's Info dialog.

The id property returns the permanent ID number of the specified card.

All objects except stacks have IDs. You can't change the ID number of an object. 2x S %
card.fieldID(posInteger) // id

The fieldID function returns a field from the specified card by its ID. Jw  %
card.field(text) // name
card.field(posInteger) // number

The field function returns a field from the specified card by its name or number.  } i %
button.name = text; // set button name

The name property returns or sets the name of the specified button. B s %

The id property returns the permanent ID number of the specified button.

All objects except stacks have IDs. You can't change the ID number of an object.   %
button.hilite = trueOrFalse;

The hilite property returns or sets whether a button is highlighted.

With check boxes and radio buttons, hilite determines whether the button is selected.

Changing this property of a background button whose sharedHilite property is OFF will affect the current card only. 2 S %
card.shapeID(posInteger) // id

The shapeID function returns a shape from the specified card by its ID. J  %
card.shape(text) // name
card.shape(posInteger) // number

The shape function returns a shape from the specified card by its name or number. 5 Y %
card.portalID(posInteger) // id

The portalID function returns a portal from the specified card by its ID. N  %
card.portal(text) // name
card.portal(posInteger) // number

The portal function returns a portal from the specified card by its name or number. j C ) f"j4 W %

The number property returns the number of the specified field. (You cannot set a number.)

The number of a field determines whether it's on top of other objects within the same layer (background or card) that contains it. Card objects are always on top of background objects.

To change the number of a field, select it and choose Send Farther and Bring Closer from the pop-up menu. w ] %
field.name = text; // set field name

The name property returns or sets the name of the specified field. E y %
field.lockText = trueOrFalse;

The lockText property returns or sets whether the user can edit the text within a specified field. It corresponds to the Lock Text switch in the Field Info dialog box. The default value is false (meaning the field is unlocked).

When a field is locked, it can receive the system messages touchDown and touchUp when the user taps it. ? m %

The id property returns the permanent ID number of the specified field.

All objects except stacks have IDs. You can't change the ID number of an object.   %
button.visible = trueOrFalse;

The visible property returns or sets whether the specified button is visible on the screen. 9 a %

The number property returns the number of the specified button. (You cannot set a number.)

The number of a button determines whether it's on top of other objects within the same layer (background or card) that contains it. Card objects are always on top of background objects.

To change the number of a button, select it and choose Send Farther and Bring Closer from the pop-up menu.  > k %

The number property returns the number of the specified picture. (You cannot set a number.)

The number of a picture determines whether it's on top of other objects within the same layer (background or card) that contains it. Card objects are always on top of background objects.

To change the number of a picture, select it and choose Send Farther and Bring Closer from the pop-up menu.  u %
picture.name = text; // set picture name

The name property returns or sets the name of the specified picture. E y %

The id property returns the permanent ID number of the specified picture.

All objects except stacks have IDs. You can't change the ID number of an object.   %
field.visible = trueOrFalse;

The visible property returns or sets whether the specified field is visible on the screen.   %

The text function returns the value of the text for the specified field. You must supply the card from which to return the text. A background field may have a different value for each card. I  %
field.setText(card, text)

The setText function sets the text value for the specified field. You must supply the card for which to set the text. A background field may have a different value for each card.  } i %
portal.name = text; // set portal name

The name property returns or sets the name of the specified portal. T  %
portal.lockText = trueOrFalse;

The lockText property returns or sets whether the user can edit the text (HTML) within a specified portal. It corresponds to the Lock Text switch in the Portal Info dialog box. The default value is false (meaning the portal is unlocked).

When a portal is locked, it can receive the system messages touchDown and touchUp when the user taps it. B s %

The id property returns the permanent ID number of the specified portal.

All objects except stacks have IDs. You can't change the ID number of an object.  % %
picture.visible = trueOrFalse;

The visible property returns or sets whether the specified picture is visible on the screen.   %
picture.showPortrait = trueOrFalse;

The showPortrait property returns or sets whether the specified picture is displayed in portrait orientation. Use this property along with showLandscape to show a different picture when the device is rotated.

This property is independent of the visible property.   %
picture.showLandscape = trueOrFalse;

The showLandscape property returns or sets whether the specified picture is displayed in landscape orientation. Use this property along with showPortait to show a different picture when the device is rotated.

This property is independent of the visible property. 7 C 74 W %

The number property returns the number of the specified shape. (You cannot set a number.)

The number of a shape determines whether it's on top of other objects within the same layer (background or card) that contains it. Card objects are always on top of background objects.

To change the number of a shape, select it and choose Send Farther and Bring Closer from the pop-up menu. w ] %
shape.name = text; // set shape name

The name property returns or sets the name of the specified shape. ? m %

The id property returns the permanent ID number of the specified shape.

All objects except stacks have IDs. You can't change the ID number of an object.   %
portal.visible = trueOrFalse;

The visible property returns or sets whether the specified portal is visible on the screen.  / %

The text function returns the value of the text (HTML) for the specified portal. You must supply the card from which to return the text. A background portal may have a different value for each card. T  %
portal.setText(card, text)

The setText function sets the text (HTML) value for the specified portal. You must supply the card for which to set the text. A background portal may have a different value for each card. 9 a %

The number property returns the number of the specified portal. (You cannot set a number.)

The number of a portal determines whether it's on top of other objects within the same layer (background or card) that contains it. Card objects are always on top of background objects.

To change the number of a portal, select it and choose Send Farther and Bring Closer from the pop-up menu.  % u % A button in the background layer that is common to all cards sharing a background.

Compare to card button. $  % A type of NovoCard object; a template shared by a number of cards.

Each card with the same background has the same background buttons, background fields, background pictures, background portals, and background shapes in its background layer. As do other NovoCard objects, every background has a script. You can place handlers in a background script that you want to be accessible to all the cards with that background. #  %
shape.visible = trueOrFalse;

The visible property returns or sets whether the specified shape is visible on the screen. " w %
shape.showPortrait = trueOrFalse;

The showPortrait property returns or sets whether the specified shape is displayed in portrait orientation. Use this property along with showLandscape to show a different shape when the device is rotated.

This property is independent of the visible property. ! { %
shape.showLandscape = trueOrFalse;

The showLandscape property returns or sets whether the specified shape is displayed in landscape orientation. Use this property along with showPortait to show a different shape when the device is rotated.

This property is independent of the visible property.  "* m % A shape in the background layer that is common to all cards sharing a background.

Compare to card shape. ) u % A portal in the background layer that is common to all cards sharing a background.

Compare to card portal. ( } % A picture in the background layer that is common to all cards sharing a background.

Compare to card picture. '  % The layer behind the card layer, containing all the elements of the background.

You see the elements of both layers when you look at a card as if the card layer were a transparent layer in front of the background layer.

The background button, background field, background picture, background portal, or background shape created most recently is ordinarily the topmost object in the background layer (that is, closest within the background layer to the front of the screen). Z& # % A field in the background layer that is common to all cards sharing a background.

A background field's size, position, and default text format remain constant on all cards associated with the background. Unless the field's Shared Text switch is ON, its text can change from card to card.

Compare to card field.  ,7/ ] % The layer in front of the background layer.

You see the elements of both layers when you look at a card as if the card layer were a transparent layer in front of the background layer.

The card button, card field, card picture, card portal, or card shape created most recently is ordinarily the topmost object in the card layer (that is, closest within the card layer to the front of the screen). All elements in the card layer are in front of elements in the background layer. $. 7 % A field in the card layer of a single card.

A card field's size, position, text attributes, and contents are limited to the card on which the field is created.

Compare to background field. \- ' % A button in the card layer of a single card.

A card button appears on a single card.

Compare to background button. p, O % A type of NovoCard object; a rectangular area that can hold buttons, fields, pictures, portals, and shapes. All cards in a stack are the same size.

Each card is a composite of two layers—a foreground layer, called the card layer, and the background layer. You see the elements of both layers when you look at a card, as if the card layer were a transparent layer in front of the background layer. Each layer can contain its own buttons, fields, pictures, portals, and shapes. |+ g % A type of NovoCard object; a "hot spot" on a card or background that you can tap to make something happen.

For example, tapping a right arrow button with the Browse tool can take you to the next card.

NovoCard has two kinds of buttons—card buttons and background buttons. ! ; ` 6R!A7 q % A container that you use to send messages to the current card or to evaluate expressions.

The Message box is a window that's always on top of the card window. Choose Message from the Tools menu to show or hide the Message box. 46 W % A string of characters that is sent to an object from a handler or from the Message box or that NovoCard sends in response to an event.

Messages that are sent by NovoCard—for events such as taps—are called system messages. 05 O % A block of statements, contained in the script of an object, that executes in response to a message matching the handler's name.

The first line in a handler must begin with the keyword on followed by the name of the message. The last line of the handler must begin with the keyword end. `4 / % A type of NovoCard object; a container in which you type text.

NovoCard has two kinds of fields—card fields and background fields. &3 ; % Some occurrence, such as a tap, that NovoCard translates into the name of a message. W2  % A shape in the card layer of a single card.

A card shape appears on a single card.

Compare to background shape. \1 ' % A portal in the card layer of a single card.

A card portal appears on a single card.

Compare to background portal. a0 1 % A picture in the card layer of a single card.

A card picture appears on a single card.

Compare to background picture.  9)@<  % A type of NovoCard object; a container in which you type text, typically HTML.

A portal attempts to interpret and render its contents as HTML. It is possible to embed a "hot link" in portal text that sends a message to the portal object when tapped. For example:

<a href="send:go('Home')">Go Home</a>

NovoCard has two kinds of portals—card portals and background portals. 4; W % A type of NovoCard object; an image on a card or background.

You can create a picture with any image using the Photos menu.

NovoCard has two kinds of pictures—card pictures and background pictures. e: 9 % A local variable that follows a handler name (in a comma-separated list if there is more than one) and receives the corresponding parameter passed with the message or function call initiating the handler's execution. 9  % A value passed to a handler as part of a message or function call.

Any expressions after the first word in a message are evaluated to yield the parameters to a message handler. For example, in the message

myDisplay "Hello there world"

the value of "Hello there world" is the parameter passed to the myDisplay message handler.

Any expressions enclosed in the parentheses are evaluated to yield the parameters to a function handler. For example, in the function call


the contents of the first field on the current card is the parameter passed to the totalValue function handler.

Multiple parameters are delimited by commas. C8 u % An element of the NovoCard environment that has a script associated with it and that can send and receive messages.

There are eight kinds of NovoCard objects: buttons, fields, pictures, portals, shapes, cards, backgrounds, and stacks. + +vA [ % An expression that identifies a button by name, number, or id, using one of the following forms:

card.button(text) // name
card.button(posInteger) // number

background.button(text) // name
background.button(posInteger) // number

For example:

d@ 7 % An expression that identifies a background by name, number, or id, using one of the following forms:

backgroundID(posInteger) // id
background(text) // name
background(posInteger) // number
]? ) % A type of NovoCard object that consists of a collection of cards: a NovoCard document. {> e % A type of NovoCard object; a shape (rectangle, ellipse, or line) on a card or background.

NovoCard has two kinds of shapes—card shapes and background shapes. =  % A collection of handlers associated with a particular object. ( $.(E { % An expression that identifies a field by name, number, or id, using one of the following forms:

card.field(text) // name
card.card.field(posInteger) // number

background.field(text) // name
background.field(posInteger) // number

For example:

thisCard.field("My Notes")
thisBackground.field(2) // background field
xD _ % Any NovoScript expression. All expressions evaluate to text, a number, or a constant.

For example:

"this is " + "it"
(3 + 2)
rC S % One of the following:

XB  % An expression that identifies a card by name, number, or id, using one of the following forms:

[background].card(text) // name
card(posInteger) // number


For example:


` a qiK { % An expression that identifies a picture by name, number, or id, using one of the following forms:

card.picture(text) // name
card.card.picture(posInteger) // number

background.picture(text) // name
background.picture(posInteger) // number

For example:

J w % A comma-separated list of local variable names.

The actual names don't matter as long as they're not the same as one of NovoScript's reserved words. (That is, don't use me as a variable name.) For example:

var1, var2, var3, var4
fieldName, N, numberOfCharacters
lI G % One of the following:

wH ] % Any expression that identifies an object by name, number, or id.

For example:

G o % Any text string, without quotation marks, that represents the name of the message handler you want to write.


As in:

on touchUp
F ' % Any text string, without quotation marks, that represents the name of the function handler you want to write.


As in:

function myAverage num1, num2, num3
 | ]W  R m % One of the following:

Q u % An expression that evaluates to a text string and that is also the name of a digitized sound.

One of the following:

cP 5 % An expression that evaluates to a text string of approximately 13 characters or fewer.

For example:

YO ! % A literal string that names a characteristic of an object (for example, a field or button property) or of NovoCard itself (called a global property).

Properties vary depending on the object and include

app.editBkgnd // global property
N s % One of the following:

M % % An expression that evaluates to a positive integer.

For example:

L o % An expression that identifies a portal by name, number, or id, using one of the following forms:

card.portal(text) // name
card.card.portal(posInteger) // number

background.portal(text) // name
background.portal(posInteger) // number

For example:

~h 6 A Q~[# $orientation Z  %
ask(text1, text2);

The ask command displays a question (text1) in a dialog box along with a text box where the user can type a reply. The ask dialog automatically provides the OK and Cancel buttons.

You can supply a default reply using the text2 option.

Use the resumeWithMessage command before ask to designate a message to be sent when the user taps OK. The reply will be returned as the message argument.

Note: Script execution will stop when ask is executed. Y $ask(...)X $shapesW U % An expression that identifies a shape by name, number, or id, using one of the following forms:

card.shape(text) // name
card.card.shape(posInteger) // number

background.shape(text) // name
background.shape(posInteger) // number

For example:

lV G % One of the following:

qU Q % One of the following:

.T K % An expression that evaluates to a text string.

A text expression can be a literal string surrounded by single or double quotation marks. S  % Any return-separated list of NovoScript commands or expressions, each line typically terminated by a semicolon, that are part of a message handler.

answer("Hello world");
2p 6   [ 5  ~ X 0 o J #kF"fAlG K8 _ %
button.bottomPortrait = posInteger;

The bottomPortrait property returns or sets the bottom boundary of the button's position in portrait orientation. < g %
button.bottomLandscape = posInteger;

The bottomLandscape property returns or sets the bottom boundary of the button's position in landscape orientation. "5 $portal.widthPortrait# 7 $picture.widthPortrait! 3 $field.widthPortrait# 7 $portal.widthLandscape$ 9 $picture.widthLandscape" 5 $field.widthLandscape 1 $portal.topPortrait!3 $picture.topPortrait/ $field.topPortrait!3 $portal.topLandscape"5 $picture.topLandscape 1 $field.topLandscape"5 $portal.rightPortrait#7 $picture.rightPortrait!3 $field.rightPortrait#7  $portal.rightLandscape$~9  $picture.rightLandscape"}5  $field.rightLandscape!|3  $portal.leftPortrait"{5  $picture.leftPortrait z1 $field.leftPortrait"y5 $portal.leftLandscape#x7 $picture.leftLandscape!w3 $field.leftLandscape#v7 $portal.heightPortrait$u9 $picture.heightPortrait"t5 $field.heightPortrait$s9 $portal.heightLandscape%r; $picture.heightLandscape#q7 $field.heightLandscape"n5 $field.bottomPortrait$m9 $portal.bottomLandscape%l; $picture.bottomLandscape#k7 $field.bottomLandscape"j5 $button.widthPortrait#i7 $button.widthLandscape h1 $button.topPortrait!g3 $button.topLandscape"f5 $button.rightPortrait#e7 $button.rightLandscape!d3 $button.leftPortrait"c5 $button.leftLandscape#b7 $button.heightPortrait$a9 $button.heightLandscape#`7 $button.bottomPortrait_) $button.enabled6^ [ %
button.enabled = trueOrFalse;

The enabled property returns or sets whether a button is active or inactive (dimmed). Users cannot choose inactive buttons. ]  %

The orientation property returns the current orientation of the device, either "portrait" or "landscape".  t@8 _ %
button.rightLandscape = posInteger;

The rightLandscape property returns or sets the right boundary of the button's position in landscape orientation.  / %
button.widthPortrait = posInteger;

The widthPortrait property returns or sets the width of the button in portrait orientation. $ 7 %
button.widthLandscape = posInteger;

The widthLandscape property returns or sets the width of the button in landscape orientation. 0 O %
button.leftPortrait = posInteger;

The leftPortrait property returns or sets the left boundary of the button's position in portrait orientation. 4 W %
button.leftLandscape = posInteger;

The leftLandscape property returns or sets the left boundary of the button's position in landscape orientation. $ 7 %
button.heightPortrait = posInteger;

The heightPortrait property returns or sets the height of the button in portrait orientation. ( ? %
button.heightLandscape = posInteger;

The heightLandscape property returns or sets the height of the button in landscape orientation. m d)m3 U %
field.bottomPortrait = posInteger;

The bottomPortrait property returns or sets the bottom boundary of the field's position in portrait orientation. < g %
portal.bottomLandscape = posInteger;

The bottomLandscape property returns or sets the bottom boundary of the portal's position in landscape orientation. A q %
picture.bottomLandscape = posInteger;

The bottomLandscape property returns or sets the bottom boundary of the picture's position in landscape orientation. 7 ] %
field.bottomLandscape = posInteger;

The bottomLandscape property returns or sets the bottom boundary of the field's position in landscape orientation. , G %
button.topPortrait = posInteger;

The topPortrait property returns or sets the top boundary of the button's position in portrait orientation. 0 O %
button.topLandscape = posInteger;

The topLandscape property returns or sets the top boundary of the button's position in landscape orientation. 4 W %
button.rightPortrait = posInteger;

The rightPortrait property returns or sets the right boundary of the button's position in portrait orientation.  |Y,/' M %
field.leftLandscape = posInteger;

The leftLandscape property returns or sets the left boundary of the field's position in landscape orientation. $& 7 %
portal.heightPortrait = posInteger;

The heightPortrait property returns or sets the height of the portal in portrait orientation. )% A %
picture.heightPortrait = posInteger;

The heightPortrait property returns or sets the height of the picture in portrait orientation. $ - %
field.heightPortrait = posInteger;

The heightPortrait property returns or sets the height of the field in portrait orientation. (# ? %
portal.heightLandscape = posInteger;

The heightLandscape property returns or sets the height of the portal in landscape orientation. -" I %
picture.heightLandscape = posInteger;

The heightLandscape property returns or sets the height of the picture in landscape orientation. #! 5 %
field.heightLandscape = posInteger;

The heightLandscape property returns or sets the height of the field in landscape orientation. w \#w=. i  %
picture.rightLandscape = posInteger;

The rightLandscape property returns or sets the right boundary of the picture's position in landscape orientation. 3- U  %
field.rightLandscape = posInteger;

The rightLandscape property returns or sets the right boundary of the field's position in landscape orientation. 0, O  %
portal.leftPortrait = posInteger;

The leftPortrait property returns or sets the left boundary of the portal's position in portrait orientation. 5+ Y  %
picture.leftPortrait = posInteger;

The leftPortrait property returns or sets the left boundary of the picture's position in portrait orientation. +* E %
field.leftPortrait = posInteger;

The leftPortrait property returns or sets the left boundary of the field's position in portrait orientation. 4) W %
portal.leftLandscape = posInteger;

The leftLandscape property returns or sets the left boundary of the portal's position in landscape orientation. 9( a %
picture.leftLandscape = posInteger;

The leftLandscape property returns or sets the left boundary of the picture's position in landscape orientation.  T05 O %
portal.topLandscape = posInteger;

The topLandscape property returns or sets the top boundary of the portal's position in landscape orientation. 54 Y %
picture.topLandscape = posInteger;

The topLandscape property returns or sets the top boundary of the picture's position in landscape orientation. +3 E %
field.topLandscape = posInteger;

The topLandscape property returns or sets the top boundary of the field's position in landscape orientation. 42 W %
portal.rightPortrait = posInteger;

The rightPortrait property returns or sets the right boundary of the portal's position in portrait orientation. 91 a %
picture.rightPortrait = posInteger;

The rightPortrait property returns or sets the right boundary of the picture's position in portrait orientation. /0 M %
field.rightPortrait = posInteger;

The rightPortrait property returns or sets the right boundary of the field's position in portrait orientation. 8/ _  %
portal.rightLandscape = posInteger;

The rightLandscape property returns or sets the right boundary of the portal's position in landscape orientation.  pM < % %
field.widthPortrait = posInteger;

The widthPortrait property returns or sets the width of the field in portrait orientation. $; 7 %
portal.widthLandscape = posInteger;

The widthLandscape property returns or sets the width of the portal in landscape orientation. ): A %
picture.widthLandscape = posInteger;

The widthLandscape property returns or sets the width of the picture in landscape orientation. 9 - %
field.widthLandscape = posInteger;

The widthLandscape property returns or sets the width of the field in landscape orientation. ,8 G %
portal.topPortrait = posInteger;

The topPortrait property returns or sets the top boundary of the portal's position in portrait orientation. 17 Q %
picture.topPortrait = posInteger;

The topPortrait property returns or sets the top boundary of the picture's position in portrait orientation. '6 = %
field.topPortrait = posInteger;

The topPortrait property returns or sets the top boundary of the field's position in portrait orientation. C R ,fC I1 "$shape.leftPortrait/H M !%
shape.leftLandscape = posInteger;

The leftLandscape property returns or sets the left boundary of the shape's position in landscape orientation. !G3 !$shape.leftLandscapeF -  %
shape.heightPortrait = posInteger;

The heightPortrait property returns or sets the height of the shape in portrait orientation. "E5  $shape.heightPortrait#D 5 %
shape.heightLandscape = posInteger;

The heightLandscape property returns or sets the height of the shape in landscape orientation. #C7 $shape.heightLandscape7@ ] %
shape.bottomLandscape = posInteger;

The bottomLandscape property returns or sets the bottom boundary of the shape's position in landscape orientation. #?7 $shape.bottomLandscape > / %
portal.widthPortrait = posInteger;

The widthPortrait property returns or sets the width of the portal in portrait orientation. %= 9 %
picture.widthPortrait = posInteger;

The widthPortrait property returns or sets the width of the picture in portrait orientation. 7  Z #Z7T - '%
shape.widthLandscape = posInteger;

The widthLandscape property returns or sets the width of the shape in landscape orientation. "S5 '$shape.widthLandscapeR/ &$shape.topPortrait'Q = &%
shape.topPortrait = posInteger;

The topPortrait property returns or sets the top boundary of the shape's position in portrait orientation. !P3 %$shape.rightPortrait/O M %%
shape.rightPortrait = posInteger;

The rightPortrait property returns or sets the right boundary of the shape's position in portrait orientation. 3N U $%
shape.rightLandscape = posInteger;

The rightLandscape property returns or sets the right boundary of the shape's position in landscape orientation. "M5 $$shape.rightLandscape L1 #$shape.topLandscape+K E #%
shape.topLandscape = posInteger;

The topLandscape property returns or sets the top boundary of the shape's position in landscape orientation. +J E "%
shape.leftPortrait = posInteger;

The leftPortrait property returns or sets the left boundary of the shape's position in portrait orientation.  U /{@^ o ,%
global("variable name", "variable name", ...);

The global command makes a JavaScript variable and its contents available to any handler in NovoCard. Changing the value of a global variable in any handler changes its value everywhere.

Note: Each variable name in the list must be in quotes. You must use the global command at the top of each handler to declare the global variables you want to use and declare each variable with a var keyword. Global variables are not saved between sessions of NovoCard.

on openCard
var myVar = "Hello, world.";
end openCard

on touchUp // button script
var myVar;
answer(myVar); // "Hello, world." is displayed!
end touchUp
]# ,$global(...)"\5 +$shape.bottomPortrait3[ U +%
shape.bottomPortrait = posInteger;

The bottomPortrait property returns or sets the bottom boundary of the shape's position in portrait orientation. 8Z _ *%
portal.bottomPortrait = posInteger;

The bottomPortrait property returns or sets the bottom boundary of the portal's position in portrait orientation. #Y7 *$portal.bottomPortrait=X i )%
picture.bottomPortrait = posInteger;

The bottomPortrait property returns or sets the bottom boundary of the picture's position in portrait orientation. $W9 )$picture.bottomPortrait!V3 ($shape.widthPortraitU % (%
shape.widthPortrait = posInteger;

The widthPortrait property returns or sets the width of the shape in portrait orientation.    ' . 5 < C I O U [ a g n u |     $ * 0 6 < B H N T Z ` f l r x ~      & , 2 8 > D J P V ] d k r y    ! ( / 6 = D K R Y ` g n u | $+29@GNU\cjqx  '.5<CJQX_fmt{  x q j c \ U N G @ 9 2 + $     |ung`YRKD=6/(" ~wpib[TMF?81*#{tmf_XQJC<5.'  xqjc\UNG@92+$|ung`YRKD=6/(! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%~%}%|%{%z%y%x%w%v%u%t%s%r%q%p%o%n%m%l%k%j%i%h%g%f%e%d%c%b%a%`%_%^%]%\%[%Z%Y%X%W%V%U%T%S%R%Q%P%O%N%M%L%K%J%I%H%G%F%E%D%C%B%A%@%?%>%=%<%;%:%9%8%7%6%5%4%3%2%1%0%/%.%-%,%+%*%)%(%'%&%%%$%#%"%!% %%%%%%%%%%?%=%;%5%0%.%-%+%)%&%$%#$]$\$Y$W$V$S$R$P$M$L$I$G$E$C$?$$ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$6Z`pu7[_qt!$"$%$'$($*$,$/$1$2$4$8$9$:$<$>$@$A$B$C$D$E$F$G$H$I$J$K$L$M$N$O$P$Q$R$S$T$U$V$W$X$Y$\$]$^$a$b$c$d$e$f$g$h$i$j$k$l$m$n$o$r$s$v$w$x$y$z${$|$}$~$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$ H      $ + 2 9 @ G N U \ c j q x     ' . 5 < C J Q X _ f m t {     % , 3 : A H O V ] d k r y    ! ( / 6 = D K R Y ` g n u | $+29@GNU\cjqx  '.5<CJQX_fmt{ | u n g ` Y R K D = 6 / ( !   yrkd]VOHA:3,% }vohaZSLE>70)"%^%[%Z%X%U%T%Q%O%N%K%J%H%F%D%@%>%=%<%;%:%9%8%7%6%5%4%3%2%1%0%/%.%-%,%+%*%)%(%'%&%%%$%#%"%!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $$?$C$E$G$I$L$M$P$R$S$V$W$Y$\$]%#%$%&%)%+%-%.%0%5%;%=%?%%%%%%%%%% %!%"%#%$%%%&%'%(%)%*%+%,%-%.%/%0%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%:%;%<%=%>%?%@%A%B%C%D%E%F%G%H%I%J%K%L%M%N%O%P%Q%R%S%T%U%V%W%X%Y%Z%[%\%]%^%_%`%a%b%c%d%e%f%g%h%i%j%k%l%m%n%o%p%q%r%s%t%u%v%w%x%y%z%{%|%}%~%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%     # ) / 5 ; A G M S Y ` f l r x ~     $ + 1 8 > E K R X _ e l r y       ! ' . 4 ; A G M T Z a g n t {     # ) 0 6 < B I O V \ c i p v }   '.5<CJQX_fmt{#*18?FMT[bipw~ { s k c [ S K C ; 3 + #   {skc[SKC;3+# {skc[SKC;3+# {skc[SKC;3+# {skc[SKC;3+# {skc[SKC;3+# {     ~}|{zyx!"#$%&'()*+,-./01245678 9!:;<= > ?!@!"A"#B#$C$%D%&E&'F'(G()H)"*I*#+J+$,K,%-L-&.M.'/N/(0O0)1P1*2Q2+3R3,4S4-5T5.6U6/7V708W819X92:Y:3;Z;[<\<4=]=5>^>6?_?`@a@7AbA8BcB9CdC:DeD;EfE<FgF=GhG>HiH?IjI@JkJAKlKBLmLCMnMDNoNEOpOqPrPFQsQGRtRuSvSHTwTIUxUJVyVKWzWLX{XMY|YNZ}ZO[~[P\\Q]]R^^S__T``UaaVbbWccXddYeeZff[gg\hhii]jj^kk_ll`mmannboocppdqqerrfssgtthuuivvjwwkxxlyymzzn{{o||p}}q~~rstuvw H    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x    ( 0 8 @ H P X ` h p x  (08@HPX`hpx (08@HPX`hpx x p h ` X P H @ 8 0 (    xph`XPH@80( xph`XPH@80( xph`XPH@80( ,^,]+\+[*Z*Y)X)W(V(U'T'S&R&Q%P%O$N$M#L#K"J"I!H!G F EDC@?>= < ; : 9 876543210 /  .  -  ,  + *)('&%$#"!yz{|}~      pubQ>*~mZI7' y f P = *  o ] L < *    k X E 2 !  } k X H 4 !  q Z D 0  nWA,x_F' nXA(mM.lXE2yaC&|`>& ph! background functionsZ!  properties! background thiscard) thisbackground~ stackname} readonly|1 previousmarkedcard{% previouscardz1 previousbackgroundy) nextmarkedcardx nextcardw) nextbackgroundu) lastmarkedcardt ~lastcards) }lastbackgroundr+ |firstmarkedcardq {firstcardp+ zfirstbackgroundE! uproperties  ustack ufunctionsD stoolC reditbkgnd+ papp! ppropertiesm hpassj ehelph cclose9 `commands ; ^on: ]function9 \end Zkeywords_ Ytouchup^ Xtouchdown] Wsuspend\ Vstartup[- UrotatetoportraitZ/ TrotatetolandscapeY SresumeX RquitW QopenstackV PopenfieldU OopencardT) NopenbackgroundS MnewstackR LnewportalQ! KnewpictureP JnewfieldO InewcardN HnewbuttonM' GnewbackgroundL% FdeleteportalK' EdeletepictureJ# DdeletefieldI! CdeletecardH% BdeletebuttonG- AdeletebackgroundF! @closestack ! >closefield  \  #html[ #isZ #doctypeY #only X #< W j#= V x#inU %#body T t#>S #make R )#> Q #>P #theO ;#textN #ownM #that L 1#>K #infoJ #scriptsI #theH #not G _#<F #forE #andD 5#typeC #be B '#= A U#><@ #br? #link> #only= #head < #< ; #> : \#> 9 #<8 P#css7! )#stylesheet6 e#class5 #html4 X#head3 l#content2 #off1 #select0 -#html/ #stack . #<- #switch, #tap+ #must * #> ) #>< ( #<' $#rel & ##<% K#ref1 $ +#<# #write" E#href! @#css  #br {#order #you #your  I#= #stack  #readS "sure R "isQ "makeP "editableO  "stack  basics! novoscript  contents  of table _hP2fP6 h N 8   y _ H .  f N 4   } e Q < (  q [ G 0  pY?)iR=$ wbK6" s\E/kQ;)xbN8! wbE0u_-  button,! background+! background$ glossary-  termsH  ofj visiblei shapeh% showportraitg shapef' showlandscapee shaped numberc shapeb shapea name` shape_ id1! propertiesV shapeG visibleF portalE textD portalC portalB settextA portal@ number? name> portal= portal< locktext; id: portal! properties portal< functions visible picture % showportrait  picture ' showlandscape  picture  number picture picture name picture id@ picturey! propertiesl visiblek fieldj fieldi texth fieldg settextf fielde numberd namec fieldb locktexta field` field_ idM! propertiesB functionsu field4 visible3 button2 button1 number0 button/ name. button- id, hilite+ button buttonM! properties shapeid card card shape  card  portalid  portal  card  pictureid card picture card number card name card marked card card~ id} fieldid| card{ cardz fieldy cardx buttonidT cardS button functions{ card5! properties*  shapeid)! background(  shape'! background&  portalid%! background$! background#  portal"! background!  pictureid ! background  picture! background!  markedcard  fieldid! background  field! background! background  cardid  card! background  buttonid! background  button! background! markedcard ycardid xcard % wbackgroundid ! vbackground1  previousmarkedcard! background%  previouscard! background{  numberz! backgroundy)  nextmarkedcardx! backgroundw  nextcardv! backgroundu  namet! backgroundq! backgroundp)  lastmarkedcardo  lastcardn! backgroundm  idl! backgroundk+  firstmarkedcardj! backgroundi  firstcard qWA,lXA-  l V = $ i S ? )  y b L 2   } b P ? +   u e U E 3 "  jZG7"{hVC0 zfRA1 wbP=, scO:%p^M;(q\F2 B 7sendA D7topic@ 7href ?  q7a> [7href = 7a < [7a; 7topic: 7head9 7href8 7orders7 F7topic6 7sent5 E7href 4 7>3 7topic2 $7topic1 7br0  \7touchdown/ D7br. 7startup- 57type, 7>< + 7a* 7br)/ >7rotatetolandscape ( +7a' .7br& 7are % 7a$ 7topic #  7a"  7html!  7html  7topic  67plain8 z[class 7 '[=6 [><5 P[css 4 [<3 l[topics 2 [<1 [href 0 [=/ [function . 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