
Where messages are sent initially

NovoCard automatically sends system messages (and one command) to one of six objects: a specific button, a specific field, a specific picture, a specific portal, a specific shape, or the current card. If none of these objects handles the message, it continues along the message-passing order until it reaches NovoCard itself.

Buttons: The following system messages are initially sent to a specific button: deleteButton, newButton, touchDown, touchUp.

Fields: The following system messages are initially sent to a specific field: closeField, deleteField, newField, openField, touchDown, touchUp.

The current card: The following system messages and command (in bold) are initially sent to the current card: closeBackground, closeCard, deleteBackground, deleteCard, help, newCard, newBackground, newStack, openBackground, openCard, openStack, quit, resume, startUp, suspend, touchDown, touchUp.